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Spicy Lemon Water



Serving Size: 12 Fluid Ounces


Time to Make: 5 minutes

Good for the Body, Mind, & Soul


Start your morning with a spicy kick-in-the-mouth, pick-me-up, stimulating your appetite and decreasing morning mucous enhanced water! Whew! That was a mouthful, but this can be a great way to start your day. We all know that having a glass of warm water right when you wake up helps reinvigorate your body because hey, you’ve been hopefully sleeping for the last 7-8 hours and your body is dehydrated! So instead of grabbing your cup of joe, try this first, then your coffee! You’ll instantly start replenishing your shriveled cells so they are plump and full ready to tackle the day, including those ones in your head, so maybe you can flirt with your crush in the AM. The added lemon juice helps cleanse the body by pulling out mucous that your body built up all night (especially if you have any dust in your house or suffer from allergies…hmmm). The cayenne pepper will stimulate your appetite and for at least the first 7 days, it will boost your metabolism if you don’t have spice in your diet…the added heat isn’t long lasting to allow you to eat that extra muffin or donut that is staring at you and causing a little drool, but for a little boost, it’s a nice option. The maple syrup is a subtle sweet glance your way, and really helpful for anyone who just needs some sweetness, try to grab an organic local one. Happy morning cutie! You’re bound for greatness and I can’t wait to see how your day progresses!


  • 1 Lemon, juiced

  • 1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper

  • 1-2 tsp Maple syrup, optional

  • 12 fluid ounces Water, filtered


  1. With a mason jar or drinking glass, add water first, then add the rest of your ingredients.

  2. Either stir with a spoon or place lid on jar and shake until sugar is dissolve and pepper is evenly distributed. 

  3. Uncover, drink throughout the day if not within the first hour of waking.

  4. Enjoy!


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Welcome to Health-Crush Nutritional Label for this meal. See how it fits into your daily nutritional needs. This meal includes all the ingredients above, so any deviation can alter the nutrition. As always, should you have any questions, please consult with me and/or your medical professional.

Spicy H2O Nutrition Label


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