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Richelle Godwin

Unlocking Your Potential: Harnessing the Power of Now for Success

Lion in grass field

Every season we tend to have a moment of change where we literally evaluate all that we have, what we want, and set goals for where we want to be in our next life phase. For example in spring, it’s often coined as “Spring cleaning” where we deep clean and throw out all the clutter, wash the house walls, sort through our closets, etc. In the fall we bring out our cozy items to add warmth, light candles to help linger the amber glow a little longer after the sun has set, and so forth. As winter approaches, we either add extra minutes of sleep to our routine, much like a hibernation phase or the opposite with upping our social calendar that coincides with holidays and then become reinvigorated with New Year’s and start an intense workout regime. For summer…we may get a little lazy and just try to soak up as much sunshine as we can, lengthen the days into the late evenings allowing children to stay up as long past the setting sun, relax more and spend time outdoors camping, hiking, playing ball, and/or just being with the natural element of the summer. 

Still in the summer months, August is a perfect time to try to get the “lasts” of summer before school starts up in September…a BBQ with friends we haven’t seen all year, a playdate with your kiddos friends, taking that summer trip even if it is just to the beach. At least for me, I have a list I’ve procrastinated all summer (summer meals, farmer’s markets, hikes and trips with the family, photoshoots of the girls, summer projects, etc.). But summer is also the perfect opportunity to also go through the habits of yore and really decide that today is the day to align with where you want to be next year…not waiting for New Years, but making today THE day of necessary intentions of your life. It may also coincide with today being a magical and intense day of “8’s”, the Lion’s Gate Portal is open….08/08/2024, the number of infinity, the day to awaken your deep intentions, energy of empowerment, just check it out if you’re curious. 

I am open to abundance...

woman sitting in yoga pose looking out to forest

“Today, August 8th, 2024 is the Lion’s Gate Portal. The alignment of the number 8. It’s the 8th day of the 8th month, on an 8th year because 24 is a multiple of eight. When you add all the numbers in 2024 it equals eight. In numerology it's the number of infinite abundance and symbolizes wealth. Today also marks the alignment of the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and the Earth. Starting today at 8:08 PM and for the next week, you can say an affirmation (three times is a good number) ‘I am open to infinite abundance as the cosmic energies align. Prosperity flows effortlessly into my life. And I welcome financial miracles with gratitude and joy.’ ”(1)

But know that today is a day where you can change your trajectory and create a new path for a healthy you! If you need someone to help you achieve your health goals, have someone educate you on your choices, and be accountable to someone, reach out to me, I’d love to help. Harnessing your power and unlocking your potential can start now.

How do you want to feed your body?

farmer's market table with green onions, carrots and other vegetables

As a dietitian, food is necessary for survival and no it’s not because I learned it from the Oregon Trail game, but that was pretty fun in 8th grade computer class (there’s that number again…8). What we put into our bodies is all about what we feed our cells. So on today, the day of insurmountable energy, connect with what you want your meals to look like. How do you want to feed your body? With quality and nourishing food; drinking, washing and using clean and filtered water; using clean body and home products; and surrounding yourself with the positive energy of people who are cheering you on, truly happy with your accomplishments and supporting you when you light may be a little dime? Or, the opposite? How are you supporting your goals and ensuring your cells and body pathways are optimizing at their highest level? 

Harnessing Your Power & Unlocking Your Potential Starts Now

Today, let’s not just imagine where we want to be, take an active part of achieving those goals. You are what you bring into your world. Let it heighten your vibration so you can therefore radiate to others joy, love and abundance. Let your light shine so that the infinite of today will be the stepping stone for a better tomorrow and a stronger and happier you.

Here are some quick resources & ideas to consider:

Healthier Options

Find your inner strength and courage so you can achieve the best possible you. It is in your wheelhouse.

  1. Write down what you want.

  2. Where do you want to be in a year, in 5 years, in 10 years?

  3. Take a deep breath

  4. Now close your eyes and imagine you being there next year, in 5 years, in 10 years. You have arrived. You have everything you need. You are fully supported. You are loved.

You are worthy, you are strong, you are enough.

The steps to success are in those goals. Now let’s nourish your body, mind and soul with quality, positive and loving substance. What you put in your body, what you hear, what you read, what you smell, what you feel, and your faith needs to align with your goals. I can’t wait to see you…tomorrow, next year, in 5 years, in 10 years because you are so beautiful and I see you. 😉



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