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Richelle Godwin


Updated: Jul 19

happy female patient and medical woman

When working with health care practitioners, it can be a little nerve wracking and your expectations may be different from theirs. The path one practitioner takes can be totally different from another. Some may have a more conventional method, where others may be integrative and exploratory, while some may be very functional and deep. There are so many “terms” to explain how some practitioners work and some use the terms without actually proceeding as such.

In my practice, I have always had a much more integrative and intuitive approach, meaning, I will work with what you want and oftentimes, we find things or we may shift to the root cause of the issue. I rarely focus on just a band-aid approach, but sometimes, that may be a quick fix for the current moment and that is not bad.

Having a deep dive with a practitioner is costly both in time and money. Tests can add up with no explanation to what is happening and frustrating can build to a point where you just leave. I get it, I have had my fair share of medical doctors I no longer go to and I have a handful of practitioners I trust WHILE I do a lot of my own research and lab work and come with questions trying to uncover my own health path.

For me, as a Registered Dietitian, I invest in a lot of time understanding my clients’ needs, wants, wishes, and try to make all their body systems functioning properly….because at the end of the day, having a healthy life is going to make your body, mind and soul a temple of what you and others deserve…the best version of you! Maybe this is my Catholic heritage infusing in my work or maybe it’s because over the many years I’ve seen the elderly population suffer from under functioning and underperforming bodies and dealing with those life choices, when a simple “fix” would have laid out a completely different future. Regardless, understanding what is going on with your body and the choices you make will have consequences, both good and bad.

In whatever capacity you come to your practitioner, it’s up to you to actually do the work to achieve greatness. You know the old saying, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink,” well that is very true. I can teach you the way (sure, chime in the Mandalorian voice here), but it is up to you to actively take part in your health and make a difference. It’s tough! The path to health is held up with many roadblocks of vices, the temptation to give up and pick a deadly sin like ‘sloth’ is so much easier…but it’s just not a good long-term investment.

Creating healthy habits don’t come overnight, but they are daily and sometimes moment-to-moment choices. These choices can be met with a slew of emotions, constraint, frustrations and cause a spiral of things. It’s best to try to understand what you are feeling with each choice and reflect on them. Trusting that “gut” feeling is moving with your intuition and I’ve never met someone who regretted listening to and acting on that inner voice or “feeling”.

These are my top five recommendations for working with a healthcare practitioner, including working with me.

1 - Expectations when working with Healthcare practitioners: What are your health goals? What are your current health issues? 

woman smiling while doing a pose in an exercise class

This may be something as silly as wanting to feel healthier. Your goal could be, I want to be healthier, wake up feeling refreshed, go to bed and get a full night’s sleep, be able to feel full, have the energy to do the things I like and keep up with my kids. The goal could be more serious such as you know you have a heavy metal toxicity and you want to be free from that through tests. Creating your own health goals and coming to your practitioners to express that is the start to setting up that expectation with your team. These health goals are what you will be focusing on, getting guidance from, and creating the right boundaries to achieve these goals. Also, being honest with your practitioners about what your current health issues are is vital to any path. You won’t be able to get better unless you are transparent with what is going on with you, sharing these details with your team so you can reach your goals.

2 - Expectations when working with Healthcare practitioners: How deep do you want to go to achieve your health goals?

scuba diver over coral reef

This is where money meets the pavement type of talk. How much can you invest in discovering your issues to meet your goals? This could be in the form of paying for tests, gym memberships, other practitioners such as doctors, therapists (body and mental), massages, sauna treatments, cost of food and supplements, etc. By knowing the right financial boundaries, you will have a better understanding of the depth to your treatment and discovery. Talk to your practitioner(s) about this. Know what your resources are, or ask what is available and understand the cost associated with this. Then you can have a better understanding if this is part of what you want and need.

3 - Expectations when working with Healthcare practitioners: Do you understand the path or agree with the recommendations?

kid raising hand to ask question in classroom

This is where you need to feel comfortable enough with your practitioners to ask the questions. Do you understand what they are saying and can you get clarity with what they are recommending? Some practitioners are great with not just bedside manner, but at explaining the tests, treatment, and path to achieve your goal(s). I’ve talked with many friends, family, and even practitioners who have no idea how to read a test that they recommend or receive, how to change the outcome, and how to communicate the results. Even my hairdresser brings me her blood work labs and we go over what the results are and what supplements can help change to support her goals (we really should work out a trade on our services…more on that later). There are more and more tests available, treatment options, and everyone seems to have a magic pill…but do you understand what you see and does it work for you? Depending on my client, they may have the same blood work done and my recommendation may be different due to their health goals, financial ability, and accessibility. Being comfortable enough with your practitioner or even saying, give me some time with this information before I can commit to your recommendation. Then ask for something in paper so you can refer to this at a later time when you can better understand the situation. Maybe the recommendation doesn’t work for you, but you need more information about said recommendation. You can also ask for multiple recommendations. After all, this is your life and you need to be comfortable with your path. A healthcare practitioner is there to support you with their knowledge, tools, and patience.

4 - Expectations when working with Healthcare practitioners: How long will this path take?

woman checking watch on outdoor run

This is a gray area, because following the recommendation is up to you and therefore, having the desired outcome takes time. Oftentimes, the root cause of something is usually the last to be healed meaning, it takes years for a system in the body to break down and sometimes it can take just as long for it to heal. When I work with people on their weight loss journey, the weight first to go is usually the weight that was last put on the body and people want to see the weight that they’ve had on their belly (for example) go first. Creating a healthy habit usually takes 21-30 consistent days of following it, from there you can start to see the results, depending on what it is. Other times, adding a simple supplement to your routine can provide a quick result within days, but the underlying cause of the issues takes time to truly heal. Regardless of anything, ask your practitioner what to expect with time so you can set yourself up for success and be patient with that timeline.

5 - Expectations when working with Healthcare practitioners: What does the follow-up process and ending look like?

scheduling on computer with client

Most practitioners will have you come back after a month or two, some just once a year for an annual visit. But having an understanding of when you can address the issues you’ve had over that length of time between visits, any changes, or maybe your goals have shifted, it’s best having the ability to know the next steps. Maybe you need to address something sooner, what does that communication look like? It also helps support number 4 above of the length of time to achieve a goal with that recommendation and number 2 with your financial situation. Having this knowledge can support you so you are the driver, not just sitting in the backseat. Taking charge of your path is having the tools and resources for you to be successful, after all this is your life and YOU are in control.

As a healthcare practitioner, I have these conversations with my clients and on the flipside, I have these with my healthcare team. If I want to be healthier, I have to choose the path each step of the way. Sometimes, I need help and other experts to guide me. We are all here working together and I hope these top 5 expectations when working with a healthcare practitioner can support you in your health journey. If you want, I am happy to work with you and create a path for your success because I want you to be the healthiest and best version that you want.


The tools, resources and information do not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only, not advice or guarantee of outcome. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on Health-Crush Website or the links connected to the website, downloaded resources and/or educational material, or misinterpreted the information/context/educational sessions. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911. Health Crush and its members are not responsible for errors and omissions in reporting or explanation. No individuals, including those under our active care, should use the information, resources or tools contained within to self-diagnosis or self-treat any health-related condition. Health Crush gives no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness or applicability or the content.


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