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Richelle Godwin

TOP 24 Hydrating Foods

Updated: Jul 19

Variety of produce

Living in the United States it’s currently May and the start to something more than just a tease…it’s almost summer! I love a good season change despite the extra “pests” of managing bedtime blankets, temperature control, and the coating of pollen everywhere. But these longer days and warmer weather bring on more than just adjusting to warmer temperatures, but with this change comes the need to drink more water. Sure, that forever slogan of “drink 8 glasses of water a day” sounds more like a broken record now…but if you’ve been spending more time outside getting the lovely rays of vitamin D infiltrating your long neglected skin (sunblock or bare skin question)...what do you need to hydrate the spring and summer months?!?!

Welcome to Eat your Water!!

Yes, there are many beverages you can enjoy to help this feat of staying hydrated while looking amazing as you show off your summer glow and making you look better than fresh, but flirting your age. (Can I hear a hell yeah?!)

Below are the top 24 fruits & veggies to power up your daily hydration tasks and help you rock your beauty all season long!

FRUITS & Percentage of Water Content

  1. Tomatoes 94.5%

  2. Strawberries 93%

  3. Watermelon 92%

  4. Grapefruit 91%

  5. Cantaloupe 90%

  6. Peach 88%

  7. Cranberries 87%

  8. Orange 87%

  9. Pineapple 87%

  10. Raspberries 87%

  11. Apricot 86%

  12. Blueberries 85%

person holding up slice of watermelon with sky in background and cloud

VEGETABLES & Percentage of Water Content

  1. Cucumbers 96.7%

  2. Romaine Lettuce 96.6%

  3. Celery 95.4%

  4. Radishes 93.4%

  5. Zucchini 95%

  6. Peppers 93.9%

  7. Cabbage 93%

  8. Cauliflower 92.1%

  9. Spinach 91.4%

  10. Broccoli 90.7%

  11. Carrots 90%

  12. Sprouts 86.5%

celery stalks, and celery juice

The best part about all the food above, these are seasonal foods that are eaten best when in season and guess what…coincidentally it’s during the hot months of the year and prices seem to be a little better just when you need to eat them. There are so many beautiful reasons that nature just knows best, when you need more water, these fruits and vegetables are at their peak.

There are times when you need a little more hydration, maybe you’re enjoying your child's’ sports game, playing in the water, or just hanging outside; reach for these hydrating foods. When you go grocery shopping, stock your fridge and/or counter with the bounty of the season using this list. They can be fresh from your local grocery store or farmer’s market, but these foods can be enjoyed more than just their taste, but the hydrating benefits they offer.


Click for your quick reference guide of the top 24 hydrating foods!

green salad with tofu, and blueberries

Hydrating Ideas:

  • Romaine Salad topped with tomatoes, celery and sweetened with blueberries

  • Fruit Salad (watermelon, peaches, pineapple)

  • Fruit Platter

  • Veggies Sticks (celery, carrots, bell peppers, cauliflower)

  • Pickled Veggies

  • Smoothie

  • Veggie Juice

Another great part about all these foods is that they contain fiber which not only helps with bowel movements, but for an easy movement, your body needs water which all the foods mentioned above have a nice amount of water. This does not mean you should avoid additional hydration like drinking water, coconut water, etc. It means that nature once again is helping support you in functioning best and providing lovely companions to help you meet your needs. If you need additional support in creating a personalized menu, recipe ideas, or reaching your health goal needs, please reach out, I’d love to help!

Cheers to the long days of summer and you flaunting your inner beauty! Enjoy all the ways to both drink and eat your hydration!


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