31 tips to improve your health.
Happy New Year 2025 and welcome to your clean health kickoff! This blog we'll focus on taking back your health, one day at a time, with Health Crush. I am SO excited to share these daily tips with you and will be updating this blog everyday as I share some fun health tips, ideas, and ways you can take back your health. As we progress this month together, if you have any questions along the way, I would love to connect and be available as a consultant to go even deeper and make your journey a personalized one so you can achieve your health goals, please reach out to me. As a Registered Dietitian, past personal trainer, and yoga instructor, I have some additional body awareness ideas that may make your journey a little more fluid as well as specific to understanding where you are and get you to where you may want to go! Let’s begin!
Day 1 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Electrolytes
There is no better start than waking up and maybe not feeling the motivation to begin a healthy journey. New Year's day sometimes is a rough day due to the eve that started it all (and I’m not talking about Adam’s Eve…). Last night may have been fun and left you feeling a bit parched, achy, and wanting to sleep a little longer. However, know that you can always feel better!
One way of doing just that is with the benefit or power of electrolytes which are incredible both to us as well as the food we eat. Years ago, I’m talking like 20+ years ago, our soil was much more nutritious and provided the nutrients it contained to the plants, which then those that ate said plants benefited from the nutrients. Fast forward to the soil of now, these nutrients are lacking and therefore, our bodies are more than likely also lacking in them. So, as a result, we are undernourished and need to replenish our supply through supplementation.
One of my favorite recommendations for my family, friends and clients (I also regularly consume) is an unflavored electrolyte that is also made in the USA, Re-Lyte. Having the right mix and ratio of electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium and Magnesium) are necessary for every cell in the human body and thus more efficiently operates all the bodily systems…think a smooth running body like easier digestion, clearer thinking, heart pumping easily and well, and of course, being adequately hydrated (because you need to take these electrolytes WITH water). This is a clean alternative to all the artificial colors and dyes contained in sports beverages with an actual sufficient amount of electrolytes to make a true difference. So, day one is as simple as having a tall glass of nutrients & filtered water! Drink up!
Day 2 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Multivitamins
To piggyback onto Day 1’s reason of the food we are eating being less nutritious than it was years ago due to the soil being depleted of nutrients, having a solid multivitamin may be the reason for you not feeling your best. A daily multivitamin that has a nice well rounded base, properly sourced, and easily accessible is an area I focus on with my clients. I have many brands I like to pick from and base these recommendations on a number of things that I assess, such as nutritional needs, labs, health goals, and financial state. I also use a platform, Full Script, that carries a select number of brands that my clients can access via online and place orders where they ship directly to them and refill based on their schedule. Sure, you can find some multivitamins at various places like Costco, Amazon, supplement stores and local pharmacies. Sometimes these places offer great finds, but with all my recommendations, I look at quality, sourced (as able), third-party tested, location of manufacture of products, foods, and supplements then assess them each based on these answers. Focusing on your health does take some initial time, but ultimately knowing what you put into your body, you can better decide, ‘is this worthy enough’ to consume AND does it line up with your goals. For some concerns, it may be wanting gluten-free, seed-oil free, vegan, organic, toxin free, cyanocobalamin vs methylcobalamin, etc. (check out this source for curious minds). As I work with my clients, these examples and more can be addressed so we can achieve the best outcomes and be happy with these choices. If you would like me to help direct you with a good quality multivitamin that aligns with your needs and goals, please connect with me and we can get started on your health journey so you can be your best!
Day 3 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Digestive Health
Gut health is an incredible focus for anyone and one that I believe is the root cause of so many ailments. As we begin our first weekend of the year, building your gut health can be the key to making you feel better, clear your mind from brain fog, decrease gut issues like bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea, skin improvements, increase awakeness, and aid in better sleep. Gut health has been tied to many health improvements as it interacts with all your bodily systems…just think about it for a second. In order to gain the benefit of anything you eat and drink, it has to go through your gut to break it down so your body can absorb it and then utilize it for every cell in your body. Check out this video for a journey in the digestion process so you can understand what your body does when you eat, how long food takes to digest and better understand the gastrointestinal tract aka the gut. If you have issues with the process, your digestion just won’t operate properly. If there is a kink in the system, you may have short or chronic issues or even potential diseases. This year, I’ll be providing a gut health and repair package (details to come) for clients to specifically focus on gut health through analyzing what is happening in your gut, your signs and symptoms, a review and recommendation for a diet and supplements specifically gears for gut health and repair. Throughout this month, I’ll provide some specific ideas for gut health, but today being Friday, is a tease. 😉
Day 4 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Gut L-Glutamine
Gut L-glutamine is a beautiful supplement and has had a lot of research and benefits. L-glutamine is an amino acid and is naturally found in foods, specifically protein rich foods like beef, poultry, fish, and egg as well as some very small amounts in plant based foods like spinach, nuts, and lentils. L-glutamine is beneficial for everyone, I mean it’s naturally found in foods, but for those who have stress (good & bad) need more. These stresses are exercising hard, inflammation, compromised immune system, stress from work, life, and so forth, and definitely for people who have poor gut health. Check out this video, “L-Glutamine Dosage Guide - How Much Glutamine Should I Take Per Day?” This video will help better understand L-glutamine and how much to take for gut related issues. I am pretty biased with what I consume and recommend, that is why I feel so strongly about Essential Stacks as they are non-GMO, gluten, dairy and soy free, made in the USA and easy to purchase via their website (use promo code richelle10 for 10% off) as well as on Amazon.
Day 5 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Probiotic
Another great kickoff to health is ensuring a healthy gut biome. My favorite gut supplements are probiotics. Now, there is a time and place to have these and I don’t recommend that everyone take them (this is a consistent theme with all supplements). But, for the most part, probiotics are going to be easily tolerated and most people benefit from having some extra healthy organisms in their diet. This can be in many natural forms, such as fermented foods and beverages like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, etc.
Other options can be from a probiotic supplement (this video helps explain when to take a probiotic). These are my favorite two and have different reasons for taking them, S. Boulardii (check out the video above for more fun details) and Smart Probiotics. There are a lot of things to consider if you need to have a probiotic in your diet, such as, do you lack certain healthy microorganisms in your gut, if you have a yeast overgrowth, any food allergies and/or skin sensitivities, tummy troubles like gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, etc. When I meet with clients, these are all things I discuss to better help them with a safe and effective plan of care.
Later this year, I’ll be offering a package specifically to focus on labs and supplements with a few options for follow-up appointments (3 & 6 sessions) where we will discuss if having a probiotic is necessary. If you want one today, please reach out and we can get your health journey started! In the meantime, enjoy some yummy ferment foods, or try one of my recipes!
Day 6 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Detox Smoothie
You made it to the first Monday of the year! So let’s celebrate by continuing to support your body, mind, and soul with a detox smoothie! This kickoff to feeling great can also taste delicious. The ingredients in these smoothies (Blueberry + Greens, Peanut Butter + Banana, and Strawberry + Coco) have a powerful effect by also flushing out toxins in your body. The added fiber literally helps ‘push’ digested food or chyme out of your body to excrete easily with little to no straining. The vitamins and minerals provide a boost to your cells and immune system, allowing your body to do what it does best…which is breaking down food into nutrients to fuel your cells and make them strong to fight unwanted visitors, think viruses, bacteria, mutated cells, etc. so you can live your best life. Plus, when you fuel your body properly, it will naturally put you on a positive cycle to uplift your thought patterns so you can smile more, move through your day with kindness, and all this positivity will stimulate others to join in on the fun! The more, the merrier, right? Eating clean and fresh foods (even if frozen) leads to a happier life, so having a detox smoothie is more than just detoxing your diet, it’s detoxing your life so you can be enriched with wholesome, nutritious and positive vibes to start not just each Monday, but each day with a healthy pattern.
Day 7 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Detox Bath
Taking a bath is completely different than taking a shower. When you sit in hot water and allow your muscles to soak, they, along with your fascia, tenders, ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves, naturally relax and guess what…release, release the day, the tension and even the mental exhaustion of stress. Adding some additional items to the bath can help rid your body of toxins, which we encounter everyday just by living, breathing (pollution in the air), eating (pesticides, herbicides, others of contamination), lotions and soaps (chemicals, dyes, fragrances, etc.), water (medicines, chemicals, etc.), and so much more.
For a detox bath, I like to have my kids take one when they are sick (everyday if possible until they return back to school and/or “normal” schedule), and ideally once a week for everyone, if possible. However, these days, it’s a struggle to have the time to enjoy this indulgence. To kick it up a notch, layer your experience with soothing aromatherapy using organic essential oils, dim the lights, put on a face mask or just mix some honey and oatmeal together and voila - edible face mask, play some tunes thinking classical music or even play a prayer with the Hallow App (I seriously LOVE this app and use it daily).
Here’s my go-to Detox Bath, but if you’re making some dairy kefir and have extra, you can try a kefir bath. See below for details of the detox bath ingredients.
Epsom Salt - composed of magnesium and sulfate, known for its ability to soothe sore muscles, reduce inflammation, and help draw out toxins from the body. Magnesium is an essential nutrient and is required by over 300 chemical body processes, it can also promote relaxation and thus improved sleep quality.
Baking Soda - Sodium Bicarbonate, is a natural alkaline substance that neutralizes chemicals in water, gently exfoliates & soothes skin and can aid in balancing pH levels. It is believed to be antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Some people for decades have used it to help with hair, skin, nails and oral health, to whiten teeth, treat cold and flu digestive disorders like acid reflux, and even urinary tract infections by changing the pH of the urinary system. It is also used as a cooking agent in baking, for leavening breads and other baked goods. There are many more uses, such as an ingredient in fire extinguishers and preventing fungus growing on plants, to name a few.
Borax - a salt of sodium and boron, it is known as an emulsifier, preservative, cleansing agent, and a buffering agent. Its commonly found in laundry detergents, cleaning products, cosmetics, as well as in commercial bath salts, as it helps to detoxify the body as well as eliminate parasite, fight fungal infections, skin problems (caused by parasites and fungus) and other conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne, and promote healing
Essential Oils are amazing and have SO many benefits, but I avoid adding them in the bath water for a number of reasons. But for older children, generally double digits and non-pregnant mamas, I like to add a diffuser to enjoy them.
Can damage the bathtub lining due to the chemical str
The heat can alter the effectiveness of the essential oil
Children and pregnant women, some are neurotoxic or toxic to the embryo and cells of young children
Children, pregnant women and those with sensitive skin can have a bad reaction and cause irritation
Day 8 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Magnesium
Magnesium is another one of my favorite supplements because the natural forms (nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and dark chocolate - to name a few) just aren’t enough (soil depletion, poor diets, etc.) to get the necessary amount our bodies need each day. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant micronutrient in the body and it is involved in over 300 cell processes. In order to help us reach our needs, supplementation is one of the ways for us to feel calmer, sleep better, have proper muscle movement with less cramping and twitches, support our mental health, and ease our digestive system (to name a few). There are many forms (capsules, tablets, topicals) and types (magnesium chloride, magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, etc.) to consider, and having blood tests can help steer you in the right direction.
Everyone’s health situation is unique however, so each individual’s health situation requires more research to ensure certain supplements are right for them. The types of magnesium can be complex and it’s important to note, specifically, that those who suffer with kidney disease, should use caution. As always, please consult with your healthcare practitioner and/or reach out to me, I’d love to help! Ideally, you will want to get some lab work done to make sure you are on the right type and dose. Also, give yourself about two weeks to see the best results, and at the end of the day, if this is just too much, check out day 7 and enjoy that bath!
Day 9 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Dry Brushing
The skin is the largest organ we humans have. There are so many things you can do to help protect, clean, and take care of the skin. In fact, billions of dollars a year are spent on skincare products and the trends are pretty incredible. With our ‘clean’ theme, a great way to set-up a skincare routine is by simply helping your body exfoliate so whatever amazing skincare products you use, your skin can have an easier time absorbing it to let you glow! Granted…a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables and all those lovely vitamins they possess are what truly make the magic work, but exfoliating with a dry brush is a small investment to help rid your body of dead skin cells, impurities, and toxins. Plus, the act of dry brushing, which is using a stiff bristle brush, with gentle pressure, stimulates and helps many of your body systems (lymphatic, circulatory, urinary, digestive, muscular and respiratory systems plus fascia) to work more efficiently by massaging your muscles and stimulating your fascia, pushing your blood, toxins and other fluids up towards your lymph nodes (to be process and potentially fight unwanted visitors), and then move towards you heart and other systems for exiting your body (air, urine, bowels) and even off your skin.
The goal with dry brushing, is starting at the base of your appendages and working your way up towards your heart. Spend a little extra time at your larger lymph nodes (neck, armpits, breasts or chest area for you fellas, elbows and behind the knees) and then step into a warm shower to rinse everything off. It can be done everyday, but try for at least 1-3 times a week and it only takes 1-2 minutes.
Day 10 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Alcohol
Happy Friday! Another week down in the books for 2025 and if you’re like me and ready to start the 5 pm celebration, you might have to pause and see if there is a different path tonight. This clean and healthy journey, for the 21+ group, sometimes is about eliminating or limiting our alcohol consumption. I mean, ‘dry January’ is around for a reason…to kickoff this journey of less calories (seriously, alcohol has a surprising number of calories, especially if you have more than one beverage), supporting the liver (your liver is constantly detoxing your body, so give it a rest tonight 😉), and focusing on other adventures like exercising (goal is 30 minutes a day, 2-3 times per week of resistance training, etc.), improved sleep routines (hello circadian rhythm…how can we get deep sleep for a restful slumber?!) , healthy eating (check out the recipe section), and so forth. Tonight and maybe all month long, try some fun mocktails and see how you feel in a week. If you need some support, want a buddy to help you along this journey, or want to deep dive into your routine (or any combination), please message me, I can’t wait to help you. For more information about alcohol, check out this blog. Also here are some fun mocktail ideas (kombucha, water kefir, sipping vinegar, almond cow), and I can’t wait to share with you some additional mocktail recipes! Cheers! 🥂
Day 11 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Lemon Water
So this could totally be a mocktail and keep the theme of dry January, lemon + water or sparkling water (if you want to get fancy, maybe with a lemon rind). The beautiful essence of lemon has great cleansing properties, so anytime, morning, noon, or night, having lemon + water can support the body to both hydrate and cleanse itself. Cleansing the complex, like your liver, or the simple, like your palate is just a few of the properties that lemons can do.
Overall, lemons provide some vitamin C, which we all need especially in times of sickness or during the winter months to fend off said sickness often caused by those wintery elements. I’m not saying in order to “detox” you need to have lemon, but it adds some palatability to water due to the tartness and astringent properties it possesses (tightening the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the palate). It also adds bitter notes and fiber which not only help trigger digestion, but helps feed your gut microbiome.
There are some fun ways to have lemon with water, vs just a slice of lemon into a glass of water, sparkling water, or even mineral water. Check out this fun Spicy Lemon Water recipe! There are several other ways to enjoy lemon with food vs just a beverage (Lemon Chicken, Lemon Chicken Soup, or even Caesar Salad Dressing for example). Regardless, try some lemon in your day and see what happens!
Day 12 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Water
Water is crucial for our survival, in fact the human body contains ~60%, plants contain ~80%, and the Earth contains 71% of water. Water is the foundation of life. It provides our livelihood, a place to clean and refresh, renew our spiritual connection (today is the day Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist), and provides therapy (hydrotherapy, physical therapy, steam rooms, facials, and so forth). Water can even hold emotions and memories, not just the story from Frozen II where Olaf shares his knowledge about “water holds memories.” However, drinking tap water or even water from the hose (childhood 80’s were so rad 🤙🏼) just isn’t what it use to be and is more important now than ever to start drinking filtered water from a powerful filter. I have a few favorites (Zero Water, Clearly Filtered, Hydroviv, and Berkey) because they filter things like Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Heavy Metals including lead, forever chemicals, faeces, pharmaceuticals, microplastics, and more. I LOVE the EWG for learning about water safety, they have multiple pages dedicated to supporting you in your water journey (here are some: water filter guide, step by step guide, ins and outs of water filters, and more). Check them out and of course, let me know what additional help you may need.
Day 13 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Alternative Dairy Beverages
This might not apply to most people, but many coffee shops, restaurants and even home kitchens are offering an alternative dairy beverage, such as oat, soy milk, almond, and many other nut-based milks. The alternative dairy market has grown tremendously and for some, especially those with dairy sensitivities or allergies, this option has really allowed them to enjoy things like lattes, cream soups, and other foods that use dairy, now they can have a non-dairy option. However, with highly processed foods, like alternative dairies, many manufacturers add gums, seed oils, and other irritants that can over time, damage the body. You can avoid these products and use just coconut milk/cream or soak oats in water and strain, but you can also use multiple ingredients or machines like a blender, Vitamix, or even Almond Cow (seriously, this contraption is amazing). I recently purchased the Almond Cow (use promo code RICHELLE25 for $25 off $200) and it’s part of my weekly routine. This month, they are posting some incredible recipes for mocktails, so check them out. Regardless, the path you take for being mindful of your alternative dairy beverages, with all the processed foods (even minimally processed foods like tortilla chips), please read the food label. You may be shocked to realize that you are consuming ingredients that you don't want anymore, OR everything in the product is acceptable and supporting your health goals. This action will let you know what you are eating and allow you to make the ultimate choice in deciding if the food/products are what you want to put into and on your body!
Day 14 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Know Your Numbers
I might be dating myself…But with age, comes wisdom. Now, I’m not talking 867-5309…GenX, you know what I’m saying, Jenny didn’t answer. I’m talking about your numbers, digits, what makes your heart literally tick…these numbers are kind of like the Violent Femmes song (dating myself again, 36-24-36 -- shout out to my 90s peeps!!!), because when we know what our numbers are, we can understand the path ahead of us. In order to understand your numbers, you have to understand the guidelines they operate under or connect with a health care practitioner, like me, to help you. Or, maybe you understand these results, but regardless, ask your doctor to run these labs at a minimum every year. If you want a deep dive, I’d love to consult with you and not only provide a lab order for you, but go over them with you and set-up a health plan so you can feel better and have the numbers that make you feel like you’re in your 20s!!
See below of the ‘numbers’ & labs you should have done a minimum of once a year, great if twice a year 🥳. I love that Dr. Casey Means (pretty fabulous), is also addressing this…here’s a deep dive…
Weight (daily or weekly)
Waist Circumference
Blood Pressure
Fasting Insulin
A1C - 3 month look back period of your insulin/blood sugars,
hs-CRP - inflammation marker, can be triggered by toxins
Vitamin D
CMB, CMC which usually pick up labs below:
Liver markers (albumin, AST, ALT, ALP, total bilirubin, total protein) - liver eliminates toxins, produces insulin
Kidney Markers (BUN, creatinine, calcium, globulin, sodium, chloride, eGFR, potassium) Kidneys filter and excrete toxins
For more advanced labs, please consult me. I LOVE looking at these, such as stool tests, forever chemicals, hormones and heavy metals to name a few.
Day 15 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Salads
Ohhh, I love a good salad and oftentimes, when my family and I are invited to a friend's house for dinner, we are asked to bring a salad. I find this expected (they know I’m a dietitian and eat like a rabbit), as well as exciting! Any family we are visiting are also anxious to know what “counts” as a salad and enjoy all the toppings that accompany the greens. Growing up, I always had a salad with dinner and it really sparked the same theme that starts my own family dinners. Back in the early days, think 1800s-1900s, salads or even bitters were the start to a dinner meal to help initiate digestion, due to the bitter notes from the greens and gentian bitters, which starts the bile and HCL acid production (if you need more Betaine HCL, try this supplement) in the gut to help digest the rest of the meal, such as meats and fats for the main entree (for understanding about digestion, check out this video). This process remains true to today and there is no better start to a healthy meal than with a salad. This year, I’ll be releasing a new salad recipe regularly and today, here’s a salad “meal” that was the light dish that’s always been a favorite because we served it before my sister’s wedding, Chicken & Grape Salad.
Day 16 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Breakfast
The word breakfast is two words combined…break and fast. It’s because when we go to bed our bodies go into a fasting state as we don’t eat while we sleep (except those who suffer from sleep eating 🙂) and by eating, the fast is broken. Now, some people skip this morning eating time to fast longer, such as intermittent fasting for various health reasons, but most, need to eat. I’m looking at you breastfeeding mamas, children, babies, growing teens, super active people, elite athletes, and so forth. And if you are exercising in the AM before the craze of the day, I encourage you to also have a quick bite to fuel your workout. For some quick and easy ideas for breakfast, try Overnight Oats, an Egg with avocado or Avocado Toast, or Orange & Currant Scones. For a sample diet, check out this post.
Day 17 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Morning Snack
Wake UP! Some people need a full breakfast to get going, some a snack, some…Nothing. Listen to your body and adapt. When going through the morning, especially for those who need more calories, you may need a complete breakfast or a quick snack or both. Either way, a morning snack can provide a dose of quick energy or easily digested carbohydrates with some sugar. This isn’t a bad thing, but if you are sensitive to sugar or crash easily (meaning your blood sugars spike high and then low after 20-45 minutes), please combine your snack with some protein and/or fat. You can always have a piece of fruit and a serving of nuts as a snack, but you can also have seasonal Orange & Pumpkins Muffins (they are gluten-free), or even Granola with yogurt. Either way, make sure you are ready for your day and prepare based on what you need accordingly.
Day 18 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Lunch
Lunchtime! You made it! And you might be hearing or feeling your stomach rumble, your que telling you, you need a break to eat! Lunch in the USA is different from in Europe where many countries practice a family and/or friend meal followed by a siesta (a nap or quiet time for a few hours in the middle of the day following a midday meal). I so enjoy this idea, though I would encourage everyone to take a small walk after a meal to help the body circulate all the nutrients and fat streaming through the bloodstream. But for lunch, many need something quick and if you are able to prepare the night before or even morning of, this can be helpful to grab and go! Leftovers from the night before meals are great or batch cooking too. However, adding some nutrient dense foods and bitter elements can be great for lasting the rest of the day and aid in digestion. Salads (Chicken & Grape Salad or Cabbage Slaw) and other cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, broccoli (bitter notes to aid in digestion) as well as citrus, think lemons, limes, and oranges, can help wake you up and these can be great to make into your lunch meals. If you’re having a sandwich, upping the amount of lettuce or even layering some veggies can really make a difference in your mood, stamina, and digestion. Soups (Ginger Coconut & Veggie Soup) are excellent and so are noodle salads. The big thing here, don’t make it a large meal if you need to be productive the rest of the day since we don’t have the luxury of a siesta! For a sample diet, check out this post.
Day 19 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Afternoon Snack
If you had a lighter lunch and/or are feeling the yawns and heavy eyelids creeping in during the dreaded 3pm slump, one lovely way to snap out of it is having a walk outside as well as a light snack. My afternoon go-tos are vegetables and nuts/nut butters. Magnesium and protein are a great boost to mental health and then crunchy foods like bell peppers, celery, carrots and nuts can literally wake you up. You can also enjoy a beverage, but be mindful of your tolerance to caffeine after 12pm. For some, this extra stimulant wrecks havoc on the sleep schedule. I enjoy a cup of afternoon tea and can have a chai tea latte (I love using my Almond Cow for making my own oat milk), or even a glass of water with electrolytes can be quite special for the midday slug.
Day 20 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Dinner
We live such a fast paced day, having dinner together with loved ones while sitting down can be challenging. Many nights during the week, my husband or I, or even my parents are running my kids to sports, music lessons, homework time, etc. and as they’ve grown, their mealtime is a little later (because of all their activities). Evening routines and a set dinner time just isn’t what it used to be even when I was growing up…I miss those times! But alas, here we are. Quick and easy to make dinners (Lemon Chicken Soup, Pulled Pork, Ginger Veggie Soup) during the week are essential for survival.
Day 21 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Ferments
Oh I love a good ferment, whether it is a beverage like kombucha, kefir or sipping vinegar, or something a little more solid such as kimchi. The beauty of ferments are the things you may not see, the billions of microorganisms (the healthy kind you want) that live inside the food and once you eat it, they can support you and your body. It’s a synergistic balance especially if you have some yummy fibers to feed the probiotics, these are also known as prebiotics, and they are super easy to make or purchase. (You can check out the YouTube links about kombucha or kefir to get you started). This is my new favorite ferment and it’s a little easier to tolerate because of the fermentation process of the honey, Fermented Honey Garlic. Give it a try and you may find yourself enjoying one garlic clove a day!
Day 22 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Nature Walk
Wherever you may be, inside, at an office, or at home, getting outside and breathing fresh air (not city air…maybe a park) may be the best thing for you and your mental health. The fresh air, sunshine, movement, and evergreens all have possible abilities to heal and reinvigorate us. Sunshine provides Vitamin D (depending on location and time of year) and impacts many cellular processes, fresh air provides more oxygen and cleanses the body, evergreens posses volatile compounds (think turpenes, pinenes, limonenes and other essential oils) and these have been studies to possibly heal and uplift your mood, and movement pumps the blood, helps break up stagnation in the body (lymphatic system-for an example-see Day 9 for the dry brushing guide) and mind to provide clarity and connections. This walk can be anywhere from 5-10 minutes (longer is great, if you have the time, but the key is to get out, move, and breathe). I also really enjoy having a diffuser or even roller with essential oils (diffuser with filtered water, roller has carrier oils). Some essential oils I like to use while I’m working are similar to what I can smell outside to help provide some of the same effects for stimulation, reinvigoration, calming, etc. Now, the funny thing about aromatherapy is that its effects are different for many people. For example, lavender for some provides a calming and soothing effect and can be used for bedtime. Whereas others get energized and wide awake, so they use it in the morning. Also, be mindful of sensitivities and allergies. I also recommend, if you are using essential oils, always use a carrier oil if applying topically (a few drops is all you need and filtered water for diffusers). I love Mountain Rose Herbs for my essential oils. And hey, at the end of the day, or brain break, step outside and take a deep breath…nature has this amazing ability to support you!
Day 23 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Faith & Meditation
Health is all about being balanced across all areas of life. Faith is a huge part of life. For many, you may already have deep faith in a religion or a connection to spirituality. For others, you may be searching for purpose, meaning, or questioning everything. For me, my family and I are devout Catholics and our beliefs are nestled into it, a simple answer is we believe in a prayer called the Nicence Creed. Many may also be aware of one of the most famous speeches Jesus gave, The Sermon on the Mount as it is referred to in the Beatitudes. It can provide a sense of understanding and calmness, as well as help you make sense of life at any stage you may be going through. A beautiful way to listen to it is through the Hallow App, and learn from many Catholic websites like Ascension Press, US Conference of Catholic Bishops (find a local parish near you), and podcasts (Battle Ready with Father Dan Rehill, and Pints with Aquinas). For Day 23, I pray you can allow yourself a few minutes before bed and reflect on your own faith or simply meditate and free your mind. Are you where you want to be? Do you search for more? How can you be in better balance? Please know, there are many people wanting you to walk with them to deepen their faith on this journey of life! And as my mom famously says each night (and I to my own children), God Rest & God Keep.
Day 24 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Deep Breathing
There are so many moments that can take your breath away, the good kind…like realizing you met your soulmate, your child being born, a graduation from an accomplishment, in a word (or a few) the greatest of life’s treasures. And of course, there’s the not so good kind, a heartbreak, a nasty cough, or saying goodbye to someone who took their last breath. Breathing occurs naturally and you can focus on it to calm you down, massage your belly, or get through a workout. There are so many amazing breathing techniques, but I’m going to share an easy one that can help wherever you may be to allow your body to rest and support your parasympathetic system (aka the resting one).
You can continue this sequence for as long as you need, trying not to think about anything. You should already start to notice some relaxation in your body, such as your shoulders having less tension, your forehead un-creased, your heart rate slower, and of course, your breath at an even rate. Use this breathing technique whenever you need a break, to help de-stress from any worry or troubles you may have, but NOT while driving! For an added boost, you can listen to some classical music, sound therapy in the form of bowls, tuning forks, hertz sound waves, or aromatherapy (see Day 22 for ideas), as well as add in family & friends!
Day 25 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Protein
Protein is an essential nutrient that everyone needs to consume…every…single…day. Without it, we cannot properly function. But with the right amount, depending on our lifestyle, we can become our best selves!
When you hit age 40, your protein needs may change, but honestly shouldn’t. There is an inverse correlation to your muscle mass and mortality, meaning, the amount of muscle mass you have, if it goes down, so does your life expectation. This is also true for sarcopenia, a fancy word that refers to age related loss of muscle mass due to age and/or immobility, resulting in frailty. If you eat less protein than you used to eat, it will no longer sustain your current muscle mass, then you technically lose muscle mass. To stay healthy, make sure you eat the right amount of your body’s protein needs, do weight bearing exercises like resistance training, pilates, yoga, and/or swimming, and focus on continuing to build muscle mass, staying active for your body, mind and spirit so that you have a safer, easier, and enjoyable aging process.
For some delicious protein ideas, check out some of my recipes as well as my Protein 101 blog post.
Day 26 of Fresh 31 - Clean Health Kickoff - Laundry Detergent
Sunday for some is catching up on laundry or having the option of doing a few extra loads than “normal.” However, depending on what you may be using to clean your items, it may be causing more harm than actual clean and honest good. I’m talking about potential toxins, irritation, sensitivities, and so forth from the ingredients in the laundry detergent. Over the last few decades, more information has been available to share about these harms and more companies have also stepped up to make fragrance free items and help avoid other toxin ingredients in these products. One of my go-to for checking safe products at the store is the EWG App, as well as reading the ingredient label. I opt for fragrance free items. Here are a few brands that are EWG Verified (Attitude, AspenClean, Defunkify, Dirty Labs, Healthybaby, Heritage Park Laundry, Package Free Shop). If you do enjoy a light scent, you can add a few drops of Essential Oils into the washer, in the fabric softener with white vinegar, and/or on a few organic wool dryer balls in the dryer. You can also make your own powdered laundry detergent for a ~$0.13/load (depending on costs of your ingredients), try my Laundry Detergent recipe.
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If you need help creating your own personal menu, understanding your labs, or needing to hit your health goals, please reach out to me, I'd love to help you along your journey!
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