Culinary Medicine for the Body, Mind, & Soul

Makes: 1 - 16 ounce jar
Time: 10 minutes + 14 or more days
Good for the Body, Mind, & Soul
Contains Honey: Do not give to anyone under 2 years of age
Whenever the turn of the summer and winter season, my family has a tendency to get a little cold and I find that this delicious concoction can help sweeten the change of weather. My kids have a habit of not embracing all my tinctures, smoothies, and even desserts because I tend to…add extra boosts of fiber, beneficial nutrients and supplements to them (along the lines of protein, vegetables, adaptogens). So, when I have this honey concoction brewing on the counter, they know that a cold may also be around the corner, but it adds a touch of sweetness to the dreary thought.
This also goes quite well in a hot toddy…with or without a shot (or two 😉) of bourbon. Any way you slice it, the addition of fermenting the mixture can help add some beneficial microorganisms to the beverage, as long as it’s not too hot (heat kills them 😩). These microorganisms naturally are found within your digestive tract and a healthy microbiome is a healthy you! The three simple ingredients found in this recipe are great at booting your immune system and the addition of probiotics, makes it a sweet touch to your beverage!
Thinly slice 1 washed and organic lemon, remove ends (but keep to squeeze juice at end)
Remove outer skin of ginger and mince the root
In a glass mason jar, or container to hold one lemon i.e. 16 fluid ounces (try to avoid plastic) layer 1 slice of lemon, a pinch of ginger and top with honey to coat
Repeat layer until you have around ½-1 inch of space from top of container
Gently squeeze end of lemon for added lemon juice and help with fermentation process into jar
Place lid over container
Place on countertop for 1-2 weeks or to desired fermented flavor
Each day, tip jar over to mix honey from any that have settled on bottom
You may see bubbles forming each day (yay, this is what it is supposed to do), remove lid to release any air pressure building due to the fermentation process
If any lemons or ginger show signs of mold/fungus (discoloration, fuzz, etc.) throw out. Try to limit anything from not being covered from the juices/honey
1-3 weeks is around a good fermentation time frame. Once you have reached your desired flavor, place in refrigerator to enjoy throughout the month. The fermentation may continue, but it will be much slower. You may need to release continue air pressure building up in the refrigerator, please be mindful of this.
Enjoy a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey/juice/minced ginger in hot water, tea, or even a hot toddy. Due to the nature of fermented products, heating may destroy any probiotics made and the amount of sugar will naturally decrease as the microorganisms will be using the sugar for food, so the actual amount of sugar will be different once consume and unable to accurately calculated the amount of sugar
Enjoy this throughout the day or evening, especially when you may need a boost of immune support.
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Welcome to Health-Crush Home Tips label for this concoction. See how it fits into your daily needs and as you create your own label. From my herbalism education, I always recommend you include a few things for your own label. Check it out and use at your convenience, and happy days to you and yours! As always, should you have any questions, please consult with me and/or your medical professional(s).

*Amount of sugar will change depending on length of fermentation due to the microorganism, this is the natural process of fermentation and cannot be accurately calculated, this number is based on the amount of sugar found in the ingredients at the time of making. There may also be some alcohol present due to the fermentation, but this number cannot be calculated, proceed with caution.